Thursday, 14 May 2009

WELCOME!!! Sussex ACAS 09/10 :)

Hey guys,

Welcome to the offical ACAS Blogspot :) This is new to Sussex ACAS this year (as you can see from our archive history, only just got up and running).

Firstly, we would like to thank tha previous exec team (08/09 and ealier ones) for building up ACAS and being successful in delivering fun and informative events :) and at the same time congratulate the new Exec. 09/10:

President - Fernand

Vice President - Jade

Secretary - Paida

Fianace - Jahmella

Events Co-Ordinators - Haley & Maria

Marketting - Sean

Welfare Officers - Jasmin & Yasmin ....... :D


But basically, I'll start off with a little introduction to ACAS, what we are and why we have set up this Blogspot.

The University of Sussex has always set out to be different, and one way we can say that we have done this is by setting up a society (within Sussex), which aims to attract students from an African, Caribbean and Asian culture, hence the name "ACAS" (with 'S' Standing for Society DUH lol! ). We can say that we are different, in a sense that a majority of other universities set up a 'ACS' (African and Caribbean Soiety), however, we try to be more INCLUSIVE :)

But yes, ACAS aims to 'educate, enlighten and entertain' its members by holding weekly meetings that can range from various events such Debate nights, Food nights (as we know ya'll love food), Poetry nights and by putting on bigger flagship events such as 'Culture Fest' (an Award Winning Event :P) etc.

So now onto why we have set up this Blogspot - As you know you can find us on Facebook('ACAS Sussex' - add us if you haven't already), but for those people who don't have Facebook (yes you! even though I dnt understand why you don't have it...), its just a easier way:

  • To have on-going discussions about things we can't in every meeting
  • Find out about up and coming events that either were holding or events put on by other societies that ACAS are supporting
  • And just other miscellaneous things from News to Art, new music to Raves etc.

So Follow us on tha Blogspot, share your ideas and KEEP SUPPORTING THA MOVEMENT! :D

--ACAS Exec. 09/10---

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