Monday, 8 June 2009


I was forwarded a link to the BNP's website where a particular link stuck out to me. It was in their video section, and clicking on it brought the tagline "A controversial documentary... that discusses the taboo issue of race."
Racism should never be a taboo issue - its something that needs to be dealt with head on - but due to the many spiky edges it has, the blanket of hush-hush has covered it and we just go with what we see or hear in the media.A filmaker, George Bodeker has created this interesting documentary which takes what President Obama has said recently: Its time for a conversation about an issue we cannot afford to ignore.

"This is from Bodeker's website:

Is racism dead in America?
Did the election of Barack Obama mean the end of racism?
Do you know racism when you see it?
Is racism today the same as it was 20 years ago? 30? 40?
This film will change what you think you know about racism!

In his groundbreaking new documentary; A Conversation About Race, filmmaker Craig Bodeker redefines the conventional wisdom on Race and Racism. A diverse group of Colorado residents are challenged for their thoughts on:

Why do white students score better than black students on standardized tests?
Why is the NBA nearly 90% black?
Have you ever been "racist? Are whites better at anything than blacks?
Do blacks commit more crimes than whites?
Can you name a public figure who is "racist"?
Can you give an example of the racism you see in your daily life?
How do you feel about immigration from Mexico?

A Conversation About Race is just the starting point. Watch the film, and then have your own conversation about race. You'll be surprised at what you discover!"

I think you should have a conversation on racism.Click here:

This is intended to make you think and to create discussion: not to incite racial hatred. An insight into how the world is today.

What do you think of it all?

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