Thursday, 4 June 2009

Renaming of the "Black Students Room"

**As copied from Facebook ACAS Group page - **

It has been it the air for a while that USSU Council was looking to rename the room for a while and yesterday we just got wind through USSU activities department, that they have FINALLY decided on a name for the Black Students room ....

Wait For It....

>>There Renaming it ROOM FOR STUDENTS OF COLOUR...

The President of the Union Coucil felt that "many students of colour may not identify themselves as 'black' in the political sense of the term, and therefore listed the room as unaccessable for them". The Welfare officer also added that "the room was not called the 'black students room in the first place, it was called the 'black student & ethinic minority students' room'".
Other council members suggested people who USE this room or those whom the room is aimed at should be consulted about the renaming of the room, however, the President of the Union Council rejected this idea!What I don't understand is that they passed (5 votes to 4) this motion on the basis "That many students do not consider themselves as 'Black' or even 'politically black' but the room is ACUTALLY CALLED "BLACK AND ETHNIC MINORITY STUDENTS ROOM"...If your 'Coloured', in any sense your still an ETHNIC MINORTY!(Within Uni. Sussex, and this Country) So what have they ACTUALLY RESOLVED??!!! All They've done in my eyes is use a more undermining/offensive term!!

>>What are your views on this name (I personally prefer Black Students room over this name) But tell me, if you don't like would you be willing to sign a petition to seek a renaming of the room + what would YOU call it!



  1. the 'black student & ethinic minority students' room'!!!

  2. the ACAC room
    African Caribbean and Asian Culture room?
